Cube Made of Unit Cubes Unit Cube Clip Art


A task is the tip of a learning iceberg. There is ever more to a task than is recorded on the card.

The opening question may seem a little directly frontward, but its intent is to encourage students to come across 'into' the scored cube - to deconstruct information technology. This visual separation of the whole into parts is important in developing the patterns in the main problem. If yous have 2cm cubes (or similar) in the room information technology tin can be useful to ask students to testify you lot how their calculation methods can exist demonstrated. Two ways to calculate are:

  • iii layers, each with 9 unit cubes
  • ix towers each with 3 unit cubes
and at that place may be more. The background question hither is the mathematician'southward question Can I check it another way? and as suggested by this extract from Maths300 ETuTE, Page 42, the exercise opens the door to further arithmetics in context.
Counting cubes gives the following lines of the table:
Large Cube 3 ii 1 0 Total
3 viii 12 6 one 27
4 eight 24 24 8 64
5 8 36 54 27 125
6 ... ... ... ... 216

At that place may be a Size 10 cube available similar to the ones in the task, but information technology is unlikely that you will exist able to discover the other sizes. If you have 2cm wooden cubes, or linking cubes such as Multilink the students could brand the Size 6 - or perhaps enough of it to exist able to summate. Alternatively, or besides, students tin tape on isometric paper and colour lawmaking the unit cubes.

With ane more line of data from the Size vi, patterns will start to occur to many students. But to tackle this problem as a number chase is to miss some of its simple beauty - after all, wherever there is a number pattern there will be a corresponding visual blueprint and vice versa. And so perhaps looking at the geometry of the painted cube will help.

For any size cube (Size north):

Drawn by Becky & Lydia, Settlebeck High School
(see below)

  • The unit cubes with 3 painted faces will always exist at the corners. There are viii corners, and then that column will always be eight.
  • The unit cubes with 2 faces painted will always be forth the edges and volition exist two units less than the length of the border because one border cube is used for each corner. There are 12 edges on a cube so the second column will always be 12(n - two).
  • The unit cubes with ane face painted will always be squares in the eye of each face. The side of the square will exist (n - 2) because each side is stops when information technology gets to an edge. In that location are vi faces on a cube so the third column will always be half-dozen(north - ii)2.
  • The unit of measurement cubes with 0 faces painted will e'er exist a cube in the middle of the bigger cube. The side of the cube will exist (northward - ii) considering in each management it is stopped when it gets to a face up of the original cube. And then the quaternary column will always be (n - 2)three.
With this insight, the remainder of the tabular array can be filled in more than easily.


  • The Size number can be paired with the corresponding number in whatsoever of the columns to brand a prepare of ordered pairs. For example the ordered pairs for 2 painted faces are (3, 12), (4, 24), (five, 36) ...
    For each column brand a fix of ordered pairs and graph them. What tin you learn from these graphs?
  • Suppose you have xv,625 unit cubes. What size is the large cube? How many unit of measurement cubes accept three, ii, 1, 0 faces painted?

Is it in Maths With Attitude?

Maths With Attitude is a gear up of easily-on learning kits bachelor from Years 3-ten which structure the utilise of tasks and whole class investigations into a week past week planner.

The Painted Cubes chore is an integral part of:

  • MWA Design & Algebra Years 5 & 6
  • MWA Pattern & Algebra Years 9 & 10

The Painted Cubes lesson is an integral part of:

  • MWA Pattern & Algebra Years 9 & ten

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