My Cat Clenches Up Releases Then Clenches Up Again

An orange tabby cat with claws out, arms outstretched.
An orange tabby cat with claws out, arms outstretched. Photography past VIZLAND/THINKSTOCK.

Why Do Cats Knead? Explaining Cat Kneading, a Quirky Cat Beliefs

Why practice cats knead? If you're stumped past cat kneading, check out this explanation for one of the most inexplainable feline behaviors — and what to do about information technology!

Why practise cats knead? Cats are interesting creatures, with many traits and behaviors that are easily recognized as being uniquely feline — the style they ringlet up tightly to take a nap, for example, or their characteristic grooming rituals after enjoying a meal. Cat kneading is another common feline behavior. The kneading is a motion cats make by pushing in and out with their paws, alternating between right and left. Some cats knead with claws completely retracted, while others will extend their claws as they button in and retract as they pull dorsum. And then, why do cats knead? Let's take a await.

Why do cats knead? A gray and white cat, sucking and kneading on a blanket.
Why do cats knead? In that location are a few dissimilar reasons why cats knead. Photography ©Silvia Jansen | Alamy Stock Photo.

Beginning, let's look at how cats knead

Before we answer "Why do cats knead" let's expect at how they knead. Kneading is sometimes colloquially referred to equally "making biscuits," because the motion resembles a baker kneading dough. Cats almost always knead on a soft, pliable surface like a pillow, a comforter, another cat or kitten, or even your lap. Oftentimes cat kneading is accompanied by contented purring, and sometimes even past drooling as the cat relaxes his jaw. It's non uncommon for a cat to exist in an virtually trance-like country as he kneads with a steady, rhythmic movement.

So, why exercise cats knead?

There are a few means to respond the question, "Why do cats knead?" Explanations for why cats knead vary, but it is without doubt an instinctive trait. Newborn kittens knead their mother'southward belly every bit they snuggle close to nurse, and the motion is idea to stimulate the flow of milk through her nipples. One rather outdated theory proclaims that cats that knead were separated from or weaned from their female parent too early, and therefore continue the kittenish behavior into adulthood, yet almost all developed cats knead, regardless of how or when they weaned. It'south more than likely that the answer to "Why exercise cats knead?" is that information technology's simply comforting to cats. (Although some cats do "suckle" the corner of a pillow or blanket while they are kneading.)

Kneading may likewise go back to the days when wild cats patted down tall grass or shredded leaves to make a soft, fluffy bed for sleeping or giving birth. Through the ages, the behavior continues to a natural part of cat instinct before settling down for a comfortable catnap.

There'due south also a more than practical attribute to answering the question, "Why do cats knead?" Cats take olfactory property glands in the soft pads on the bottoms of their paws. When they knead, they release some of their unique smell onto the kneaded surface. That scent serves as a kind of territorial marker for any unfamiliar cats that might come up along and try to pale a claim. So when your cat is kneading your lap, he's not merely telling you he feels comfortable and secure, but he's claiming y'all as his own. (Scratching is also a natural part of cat instinct that results in the cat leaving his ain balance olfactory property behind, also equally a visual mark — claw marks — that other cats can recognize.)

What to do near true cat kneading

Another question you might accept after asking, "Why exercise cats knead?" is — "What should I do nearly cat kneading?" If your cat kneads yous frequently, it'due south a good incentive to continue those cat claws trimmed, in order to avoid existence scratched or having your clothing snagged. You could also keep a folded towel next to your favorite chair, and use information technology to protect your lap as your cat kneads yous with his paws.

If the kneading motion is uncomfortable plenty to actually bother you, y'all can try gently pulling your cat down into a lying position so he settles downward and goes to slumber. Other tricks involve gently holding his forepart paws together, petting him, or distracting him with a toy or a treat. Pet behavior experts concur that it'south not appropriate to punish a true cat for natural and instinctive behaviors like kneading.

Some female cats will knead often just before going into heat, as a signal to males of her willingness and ability to mate. Equally the oestrus cycle continues, the cat volition brand plaintive meows that quickly escalate into loud, persistent yowls that are an attempt to go the attention of a male. She may also step restlessly, mark areas of your business firm with urine, go extremely affectionate and assume the mating position (caput low, with raised hindquarters) when you pet her. It's impossible to discourage these natural behaviors, and the best way to eliminate the symptoms associated with the female heat cycle is to have your true cat spayed.

Top photo: Photography by VIZLAND/THINKSTOCK.

Tell the states: Does your cat knead? What does he knead?

Read Next: Why Do Cats Lick You? 7 Reasons

69 thoughts on "Why Do Cats Knead? Explaining True cat Kneading, a Quirky Cat Behavior"

  1. I've found that not all cats knead. I accept two American Shorthair brother and sister. The female kneads only the male doesn't.

  2. ew look that nails..

  3. i like kitty, then soft

  4. aww and so cute

  5. i detest cat when they knead, how tin i look that cute activeness

  6. when they knead, their nails make me hurt, ouch ouch

    1. Aforementioned with my female person. That's why whenever I'chiliad sitting in my chair in the living room I e'er take a towel on my lap for when she jumps upward. And when I'm laying in the bed I brand certain I accept the coating over me.
      Just it'south odd because the male person cat doesn't practice it.

  7. I take a cute 2 year old Savannah Cat who likes to knead. He was diagnosed with feline leukemia when he was a kitten and isolated for half dozen months as to prevent my other cat from acquiring the virus. Since then, with many tests performed, he has aborted the virus. He'due south happy and healthy and a wonderful addition to the family unit. He kneads and purrs like crazy and I beloved it. Cat purring is healing to cats equally well as humans, btw. I never terminate him from doing and then even though he's totally ruined a comforter and working on a sofa pillow now because I call up this kneading beliefs has helped him to not only overcome a potentially deadly virus, but keeps his immune system strong.

    1. My cat kneads on command. Its adorable. We started singing *one two i two* as it appears she is marching and now if we say *one two ane ii*, and she is near anything costly she just goes to town!

    2. Yes, kneading seems to be very therapeutic for cats.

  8. Pingback: Why does my cat knead blankets? – Kotikmeow

  9. Pingback: Why Do Cats Knead? Explaining Cat Kneading, a Quirky Cat Behavior – Growing Social

  10. Information technology's astonishing how kittenhood memories can bear on a true cat'south beliefs for the rest of their lives, how evolution had shaped cats' emotions and lifestyle up to this twenty-four hour period.

    Which is why they hiss and flatten their ears like snakes, and why they like to hunt, and sleep in high places. When you look at your domestic cat, so elegant and removed from wildcats, y'all tin can run across the tiger, the lion. They still have these ancient instincts in their physical and psychological genetic makeup.

    My cats take left a dead bird on the outside of the shutters. When I discovered it, the worms crawled all over it, and the blood was dried. It smelled atrocious. But and so, I take feral cats adopted off the streets.

  11. Pingback: Why Do Cats Need to Knead? – World Top Business Systems

  12. Pingback: Why Do Cats Need to Knead? – freelancecomli

  13. I dearest my cat but the nails in the lap really hurts! Sometimes it takes him 3 or iv minutes before he settles down. Ouch!

  14. Pingback: Why Exercise Cats Suck on Blankets? 5 Reasons – WordPress

  15. Pingback: Why Do Cats Knead? | Pet Side

  16. All my cats are fixed and they all knead. My have is … we pet them and they see information technology as kneading. They pet us by kneading us.

    1. How come up my cat doesn't knead?:(

      1. Maybe spend more quality fourth dimension with your true cat, it took me a chip till she started

      2. My male cat doesn't knead, either. Don't be alarmed because I estimate non all of them do.

        1. My cats knead merely his pennis comes out while kneading me why?

  17. I take seven Cats and all of them knead.I love information technology!

    1. my cat sadly doesn't do this he merely humps them.

      1. She might be in heat—

    2. WOW you must spend a fortune in litter and food! Just if nosotros love our pets then nosotros provide for them.

  18. This site seems to only slightly sympathize cats but non very much.

  19. Pingback: Cat Kneading Facts You Need to Know | Traveling With Your Cat

  20. Pingback: 13 Signs A True cat Likes You And Loves Your Company | The Dutiful True cat

  21. Agreed, they reversed their lists. Are they trying to bulldoze united states crazy ?

  22. How-do-you-do!

    I have a beautiful blackness male person cat that loves to make biscuits. He got neutered over 3 years ago. The problem that I take is when he does knead he rubs his private parts on me thigh to the betoken of ejaculating. The smell is beyond discussing! I tried simply most every affair and I tin't brand him stop. I don't accept a trouble with the kneading office is only the other part of it. What can I exercise?

    1. My iv y.o. neutered boy doesn't ejaculate but he does get an erection, drips seminal fluid, and and so licks his erection. His vet was quite surprised to hear of this and had no advice. I set out a couple of soft fleece throws to entice him away from my bedding. If he does start doing information technology on me, I take him over to his throw, distract him, or gently nudge him until he quits. I don't like to do that considering he is happy just it gets quite gross. He seems to be doing it less every bit he'due south got older so that's better.

    2. I have a 10-year-old neutered male true cat who has done the same thing since I adopted him at 1.5 years one-time. Yep, this beliefs can be disconcerting, just information technology's a natural behavior and something they tin't exist "trained out of." Cats are gonna cat.

      I chose to redirect his beliefs; I bought ane of those PillowPet stuffed animal/pillow children's toys to be his "girlfriend." Every time my cat began his kneading/rubbing his bits routine, I gently picked him upwards and gear up him onto his panda PillowPet, and he got the idea very quickly. He is at present perfectly content to confine his, um, romantic encounters to his girlfriend Panda. Panda stays on the floor in the bedroom and gets a spa mean solar day in the washing machine when needed.

      It's all the same kind of gross, but information technology'southward likewise funny… and he's happy, which is the most of import matter.

      1. Perchance you should go him a existent cat companion? It's nice for cats to take a friend anyway. When you are out, they he would accept compsny.

        1. Declawing your true cat should never exist the answer!!!
          I hope that your cat remains safely indoors at all times, if he or she were always to get outside without claws, your cat would be far more vulnerable to predators and abusers as the claws are a cats first line of defense.
          Well-nigh ii dozen countries—including Commonwealth of australia, England, and Nippon—ban or severely restrict declawing surgeries. And many MANY VETERINARIANS AROUND THE Globe Refuse TO PERFORM THE Procedure.
          Our toes are crucial to our balance, and it's no different for cats! Because of impaired residual afterwards the procedure, declawed cats have to relearn how to walk, much every bit a person would subsequently losing his or her toes.
          If performed on a human being, declawing would be like cutting off each finger at the knuckle.

      2. This is the best thing I've read all day. Lol.

    3. My cat does the same thing just is non fixed! Like an everyday thing could there exist something wrong or is it basically normal?

    4. The neutering was not consummate. Take him back to the vet…

    5. Get a cheap sweater or material you dont care that gets ruined and wash it. Simple.

    6. Perchance having him "altered" will assistance (IF you haven't already had that done.

  23. When my cat kneads, he yelps at me when I touch him. Is this normal, or should I worry?

    1. Howdy Avery,
      Every cat is unlike and cat kneading is different for every cat, too. You can ask your vet if you're concerned and you tin can besides cheque out these additional articles on cat kneading: lot-worry

    2. Aye its normal lol it'due south telling you it's enjoying what it's doing and hopes y'all dont ruin his fun.

  24. I'chiliad used to existence kneaded only my boyfriend hates it, and so I put a couple of those plushy micro fleece blankets on the sofa and in another spots I like to sit and pet my cats. They LOVE them and I have almost successfully trained them to knead only those blankets and not my boyfriend, lol.

  25. My true cat does information technology to me all the time at first it was super beautiful and I felt across loved but at present it hurts really bad. She wakes me upwards at 1, 2 , 3 ,4 am I get no sleep at all considering she knead all throughout the night. It would be fine if she doesnt hurt me but her claws are super sharp I feel like if I trim them information technology would even so hurt. I wont e'er de claw her merely I accept ugly dark circle for never sleeping :(

    1. well, this comment looks rather recent
      y'all tin can get these things called kitty clips or due west/e
      they're covers that glue onto your cats nails
      or yous tin can get one of those grindy wheels, which are well-nigh 20 dollars at most pet stores (some dollar stores even have a inexpensive version for people)

    2. when I got my kitten, I decided to brand my sleeping room out of bounds and then I could get some sleep. I close the door at bedtime and she has the run of the apt. through the nite..still doing information technology and we both take a adept night..she does knead her thick blanket on the couch before her naps..

  26. I alive with two cats, a domestic moggie and a Burmese (rescue cats). The Burmese has decided his nightly ritual is to knead my anxiety and legs into dough whilst purring and growling. The moggie, who thinks he is top cat, sits about by his side, glaring at him, all menace and aggression, waiting to chase him off the bed… nighttime times are such fun… sometimes they both end up on the bed, one at the acme, i at the foot, or else both on the sleeping room floor, creating a disaster for someone getting up in the night who doesn't take night vision… would I be without them? No!!

  27. My Tripod was born with only a right foreleg, and so she of grade had her ain way of "making kitty staff of life". Another cat I had, Cleo, whenever I wore my terrycloth robe, he would latch onto that and knead and purr contentedly.

    1. so beautiful. we telephone call kneading "making biscuits "

  28. My cat kneads on me a lot of the fourth dimension. I read quite some time agone that they practice it to the person they consider their mother figure but don't know how authentic that is.

  29. Delight don't declaw, it is savage and unnecessary, I taught my kittens to apply their scratching post in just 1 twenty-four hour period, they don't touch on piece of furniture, they don't scratch me, and they don't bite or evidence assailment because they have been robbed of their claws through a terribly painful surgical procedure that removes the top knuckle of their mitt digits. Vets do it for the $$ and claim information technology'southward non a large deal, when it is. A scratching post costs $twoscore and a fiddling attempt is priceless, your true cat volition exist well adjusted and happy if yous permit them keep their claws.

    1. I totally Agree!…never de-claw! If you feel yous will, just don't get a Cat, considering plainly a Cat is not what you really want, …True cat'south claws are every bit much a part of her/his body as your easily are to you lot.

      Besides, to de-claw is the same like a doc surgically removing a major part of each of your fingers and its painful, also you've removed the Cat'southward ability to defend itself if its ever exterior or comes into the presence of any other animals that trys to hurt the cat, including a rat! Many Cats for remainder of their life after de-clawing accept mental problems considering, of course, they know this very of import part of themselves have been removed in addition to the ongoing pain after surgery.

      1. Oh, I adopted a cat few months ago who is ten yrs. former. She had her claws removed in both front feet. The dorsum feet do take claws but non adult. I'thou a retired RN, I immediately had the need to prefer her. She was fearful when I got her for at least a month, staying subconscious well-nigh of the twenty-four hours, only actualization when hungry. I talk to her every mean solar day, finally she's making progress with trust issues. This poor girl has an unnessary disability. Many things like jumping on my bed she's unable to practise without falling. I feel similar a physical therapist, everyday I work with her to try to use her deformed forepart paws which have become flaccid from non use. Of course she has no conviction in herself, if but folks would educate themselves before electing to have this surgery for their cats, its barbaric.
        This is the 1st. cat I've owned and I love her. She has educated me, I knew when I adopted her she would have problems. However, I certainly didn't realize the extent of the problem declawing would bring..Please spread the word declawing, is more than physical, lasting for the cat's life. Yous're taking a salubrious animate being from health to disability.

  30. Our youngest boy Simba has only turned one & is a highly affectionate little fluff ball to the point that we tin can wake up to a cold wet little cat nose in the morning pressed to our noses or cheeks He fifty-fifty places his paws on our cheeks when picked up & hugged like a small child does
    I'm wondering if this goes hand in hand with his habitual kneading?????
    We take affectionately nick named him the baker as he volition knead a "resting spot" for at least 10 mins earlier settling
    He will knead us as well merely I notice he doesn't employ his claws on us every bit if he knows it might hurt only nevertheless does the actions
    wondering if the kneading is a course of trust and affection towards us when he does this as he never uses claws & this action seems to exist closely linked with his affectionate behaviour

    1. Hello in that location Jodi,

      Thanks for reaching out! Here is an commodity that provides more than information on how cats show affection:

      https://world wide cat-amore-signs

  31. Our Cat "The Doctor" does this every night, every morning and sometimes even at night… sleeps adjacent to our head with his picayune paws on the pillow or even holding easily/paws… 20 minutes is no problem with drool and that hypnotic trance stare… we trim claws every ii weeks and he insists that he volition but do it on exposed flesh… pare… not an issue though and it rarely hurts as he has adapted his approach to little or no claw exposed… we would not let him practise information technology long before since he extended the claws.. guess he got the hint… hahahaha… it is so sweet and he is a very affectionate cat… our other true cat is equally sweet and affectionate but only makes cookies in the air when he gets petted, but never on united states… lol

  32. My orange boy kneeds my chest area and sucks on my tee shirt…. he purrs purrs purrs…. like a baby!! I dear it and love him!!!

  33. Comfartable

  34. Felines knead for several reasons. Kittens do it to stimulate mom's milk when nursing. Felines whatsoever age will knead to make a nest for napping or to give nascency. Adult felines use it every bit foreplay. There are femone glands on the dorsum of the pads on their piggies. They will marking their territory as 'theirs.' (& that includes you, as well.)

  35. my cat ginger loves kneading.. i recall they knead to make the place more than comfartable.. like how we dial up our pillows

  36. My cat kneeds me at night in bed and so goes to sleep..then in the morning and sleep then once again …my true cat follows me where ever I go…comes with me in the morning time to get the paper. The home again.. awesome little beau..

  37. My cat kneads me with all four paws!

    1. Mine too!! Lol! Sometimes for fifteen min at a time!! I think it's merely love!!!????

  38. your statement to "(Merely use a regular toenail clipper . . . . " has lowered your credibility for me.

    1. Hi there — Yous're right. This was an older commodity that we recently republished. We've only updated the information. Thank you for letting united states know!

    2. Read information technology once again….cat blast trimmer .

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